Navigating the Intersection of Mental Health and Meaning


Speaking Info

With 25 years as a mental health professional, I’ve spoken to quite a few groups, businesses, organizations, and associations, as well as a few local and national news outlets. Today, my focus is on sharing the message of “Mental Health and Meaning” with more people in the workforce and educational settings. Click the button below to take a deeper look at the keynotes and workshops I offer.


I approach Coaching and Counseling from two very distinctly different perspectives in order to best serve you.  Coaching is future-focused an goal oriented, and can be conducted virtually via zoom or several interactive courses I have written, or live on-site with you in your environment.  Counseling is conducted in my office, and may focus on past, present, and future, as well as issues of mental illness, attachment, and trauma.  Contact me to discuss how we can put these ideas to work for you.


Mental Health, Meaning, Organizational Health, Diversity & Multicultural Skills, Career Assessment and Development, MBTI & DISC, Substance Abuse Prevention and Recovery, and I am sure a few more – all topics I have either taught at the graduate level or worked with management and leadership teams on. Contact me to start the conversation about what I can bring to your business or organization.

Weekly Mental Health and Meaning Updates

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Desiderata is Latin for "things desired".  I wish I could remember how I wandered upon this poem in the past few weeks, but I don't.  Perhaps it was just divine inspiration coming through the internet, because it's a pretty great poem.  If you take a look at it's...

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As I Prepare for My Ketamine Experience

As I am completing the documentation for my Ketamine experience as part of the Psychedelic Assisted Therapy I am enrolled in, I thought I would share parts of it with you. I'm excited for the experience.  But even more so now.  It's pretty rare that medical release...

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Exploring the Healing Power of Ketamine

I am ALL IN on the re-emerging field of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy!  Now, I recognize, I may have a bit of a bias - a few biases: I've been neck deep in the Integrative Psychiatry Institute's (IPI) certification training since July.  Probably 4-5 hours per week of...

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Once you’ve built up the courage to seek help, it can sometimes take a few days to get in touch and schedule an appointment.  That is one of the reasons I created The Meaning Project Podcast and the Youtube Channel to go along with it.  I hope you can find some guidance or even ideas to put into your life there.  Take care.  – Dan