Navigating the Intersection of Mental Health and Meaning
The Meaning Project Community
Changing today’s “mental health crisis”
With a community focused on discovering
Meaning, embracing Purpose, and building
Resilience. Coming in 2025

Logotherapist, Mental Health & Addictions Counselor
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy: In My Office for the 1st Time
Last week, I conducted the first Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) session in my office, with the partnership of Journey Clinical. It was truly humbling and amazing. I was once again reminded why this emerging treatment is so critical, and why I feel called to...
Discovering Meaning in Awakening
As I sit here embracing our last day in the Colorado mountains, I am overwhelmed with Gratitude and some sadness. In my work here, I have been reminded of many of the Logotherapy principals I teach daily - that suffering is a part of life, especially the suffering of...
My Journey into Psilocybin: Integrating a Large Dose of Psychedelic Mushrooms
I can still taste the mushrooms mixed with orange juice, and the smell of my tears as I put my hands to my face and wept in gratitude. Several weeks ago, I voyaged to Eugene, Oregon for my practicum in psilocybin assisted therapy and I ingested the largest legal dose...
Once you’ve built up the courage to seek help, it can sometimes take a few days to get in touch and schedule an appointment. That is one of the reasons I created The Meaning Project Podcast and the Youtube Channel to go along with it. I hope you can find some guidance or even ideas to put into your life there. Take care. – Dan