A ‘Why’ to Live For

April 8, 2018

“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Viktor Frankl was fond of quoting this line from Nietzsche through his volumes.  He survived three years in a German concentration camp – I’d say his reflection on this statement carries quite a bit of weight.

So what is your “WHY” that you are living for?  What is it that get’s you through those difficult “HOWS”?

Is it your family?  Your spouse or your children?

Do you live for money?  Work?

What about travel?  Does dreaming of seeing new places carry you through difficult days?

Do you live to seek out spiritual connection?

What about living to help your fellow man?

For many of us, we go about daily life without stopping to think about this question.  Sometimes, we don’t want to know our own answer to the question – we’re afraid of how we will answer to life.  However, pausing to consider, and maybe re-adjusting if we are afraid of the answer, can lead to more meaningful living.  Try it.

What do you live for?