A Mid-Winter Warning

January 6, 2019

With the holidays behind us and a full week of the new year already passed, we are entering into what can be a very difficult time for many people.

“Post-holiday blues” set in.

Days continue to be short, cold, and dark.

Our bodies naturally want to hibernate. Melatonin production goes down, and Serotonin may be depleted. We may feel dysregulated or just plain down.

Statistically, the month of January sees the highest rate of attempted suicide, and some of the highest rates of clinical depression. Unfortunately, January also sees many is insurance plan deductibles renew, causing many people not to see professional or medical help.

There are ways to manage these difficult times though:

Diet & exercise – this is a great time to stick to those new year resolutions. healthy eating – low fat protein & vegetables of varying colors – help the body produce the necessary hormones and neurotransmitters necessary for self-regulation. Exercise keeps the body moving, elevates mood, and promotes the production and release of endorphins – the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Socialization & expectation – plan some fun times with friends and loves ones. It is natural to want to stay in the house, stay warm, and hibernate. But getting out and spending time with those close to us can boost mood. Plan a get-away to someplace warm, or just someplace fun, in January or February to give yourself something to look forward to.

Natural supplements like melatonin and CBD can help regulate mood and general wellness. Definitely check with a trusted provider first before purchasing either – and do NOT buy these from the gas station or corner convenience store. Both are easily accessible today, but you should certainly be sure you are getting it from a trusted source.

Finally, if these steps don’t help, checking in with your physician or talking to a mental health professional may help prevent symptoms from worsening. Research has indicated that a few sessions of talk therapy can help as much, or more than, anti-depressants and harsh medications.

Spring is almost around the corner – but we know it’s still a long ways off. Do the little things you can to wait for it in a healthy and productive way.