Darkness of the Holidays

December 8, 2019

Many traditions speak of a time of “darkness” leading up to the holidays.  This time of year can often be dark for many people.

The change in the seasons can have a significant effect on mental, emotional, and even physical health.

If you’ve suffered loss of a loved one in the past year, the holidays can be a painful reminder of that loss.

Family issues from the past make themselves known in the present time as we gather to celebrate.

Relationship stress – especially between spouses or partners – can take it’s toll.

The time leading up to the holidays – and the time days after the holidays – can be “dark” for a variety of reasons.

However.  There is always a chance to find the light.  We can always choose to adopt a different attitude.  Regardless of the circumstances, we can always choose how we see the situation.  No matter how dark times may get, we can choose.  And sometimes the holidays are a perfect reason – motivation – to choose differently.

Happy holidays – I hope your’s are light, bright, and meaningful.  – Dan