Bah Humbug! – Decaying Traditions & Values…

December 9, 2018

Viktor Frankl famously wrote that part of the modern “existential vacuum” was due to the decline of traditions and values – that in the absence of guiding principles, humankind was left adrift as to how to behave or think in a moral and meaningful way.


This could be a good thing.


In the absence of traditional values to guide thoughts and behaviors, people are left adrift to feel meaningless and aimless (read Camus are Sartre for proof of this) or they are responsible for asserting their own values and creating their own traditions.  Responsible being the key word there – “able to respond” – and to respond in a meaningful way.


What does this have to do with the holidays and “Bah Humbug!”?


We are presented with choices each moment.  We can respond in a variety of ways – sometimes we don’t even know we have the opportunity to choose, we have become so used to doing the same thing time and again – but we do choose, even when we don’t make a choice.  In a time when values and traditions are changing, maybe even declining, we have the opportunity to choose responsibly, to choose meaningfully.  During the holidays, it seems we have even more opportunity for this.


So my hope for you this holiday season, that in bringing this to your attention, you are aware of your choices – your responsibility to choose, and you choose in a way that brings meaning and joy to you, your family, and all those your life touches.


Happy Holidays.