Be Her Hero

March 8, 2020

I read a lot to stay on top of the latest developments in my field, as well as to grow personally.  Usually I have stack of books next to my “reading chair”, a stack up on my desk, a few downstairs in the basement, and my ever-present Kindle in my backpack.  I like to think I read a lot of different things.

But there is one particular book I’ve gone back to regularly for the past 14 years since it was published, Dr. Meg Meeker’s Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know.  I don’t even know why I bought back in 2006 when my oldest daughter was only 4 years old, but I am glad I did.  As she prepares to go off to college, I had to pull my old dog-earred and highlighted copy off my shelf and get back to reading – it’s one of those times.

So dads, I thought I would share these “10 Secrets” with you – I hope you find them as helpful as I did.  If you want to find out more, definitely pick up a copy of the book.  I’m keeping mine.  And mom’s, don’t feel left out, Dr. Meeker has a book for you too.  I don’t know what “the secrets” are to raising boys, I haven’t had to worry about that personally, but if anyone has read that book and wants to share it with me, I’d be happy to pass the info along.  – Dan

10 Secrets Every Father Should Know (with a little commentary) from Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.

1 – You are the MOST IMPORTANT MAN in her life.  (Behave in such a way to earn that every day)

2 – She needs a hero.  (It should be you)

3 – You are her first love.  (Take honor in that)

4 – Teach her humility.  (That is far more difficult in 2020 than when this book was published – work at it)

5 – Protect her, defend her.  (See secret #2)

6 – Pragmatism and Grit: two of your greatest assets.  (Cultivate these in yourself, and in her)

7 – Be the man you want her to marry.  (I can’t get past this chapter with tearing up a little…)

8 – Teach her who God is.  (A healthy spiritual life is at the course of overall wellness)

9 – Teach her to fight.  (Not just with her fists)

10 – Keep her connected.  (In a world of hyper-connectivity, we seem to have forgotten how to connect with those closest to us)