Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Humor Strategy & Bad Therapy with Prickly Fireman Mikalee Byerman
Mikalee Byerman is a "writer chick, keynote speaker, and humor strategist" who encourages employers and leaders to ditch the stuffy "nose-to-the-grindstone" mantra for a more humane and connected culture - one of humor and connection. In this week's podcast, she...
Work at Your Resonant Frequency
Dr. Xu Simon is smart. Being that she works in the Boston area, you could say she is "wicked smaaht". She earned her BA in Biochemistry from Rice University and, in 2008, completed her PhD in Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Structure at MIT. After conducting...
Existential Dynamics, MEPSRV, Create & Move in 2023
I thought we'd have a nice little chat - just you and me, to start the year. This is often a time of reflection and goal-setting - or "resolutions", if you will. In this episode of the podcast, I share a little bit about my goals for 2023, how I did in 2022, and how...
Finding Your “Golden Thread”
Dr. Holly Woods is a Purpose activator, entrepreneur, scientist, author, speaker, innovation, product and systems consultant and undaunted catalyst to help you become the most alive, emergent and embodied version of yourself and to achieve all that. Basically, she is...
Making Meaningful Decisions
Here's the thing... this week, then the weekend... They both got away from me.... I was busy spending time with my wife Holiday shopping... well, and also working. Then we had one child busy working her job and working on finals. The other working on finals and...
Empowering Leadership
I know these past few months, most of what I have shared here has simply gone back to The Meaning Project Podcast - but that will change next year! For those of you who continued to stick around to get this weekly email AND listened to the podcast, THANK YOU! I hope...
Functional Medicine and Finding Meaning in Dating
I did NOT expect these two topics to combine in this episode of the podcast - but, WOW, did they combine well under the guidance of Dr. Kris Sargent! The only thing more impressive than Dr. Kris Sargent's extensive CV is her personality. It really wasn't hard to find...
Discovering Meaning on the AT
Training for physical fitness and athletic competition - running, cycling, swimming, walking, weight-lifting, hiking, etc. - or even engaging in these activities just for fun can help us build resilience and bounce back from difficult times. Jay Thompson, and his 1700...
How to Find Meaning in Times of Stress: Focus on Youth and Parents
I had a wonderful opportunity this week to speak to one our podcast listeners, and a group of parents she has been working with for the past few years. We had a great discussion about the similarities and differences in parenting young adults in Canada and the US -...
Search, Rescue, and Own Your Destiny
Search & Rescue Team, Ski Patrol, and Sales Manager by day - but Tom DuBos real passion is helping people "own their destiny" - to take life off autopilot and to consciously, and responsibly, take control of where their life is going. And, with those...
Demystifying Diagnostics and the Psychotherapeutic Process
I've really been looking forward to bringing you this episode! After these past few weeks of awesome interviews and amazing chats, this is an opportunity for you and I to just chat about logotherapy and mental wellness... It is human nature to want to label phenomena...
Masterful Storytelling & Healing Hypnotherapy
You can quickly tell that Steve Cohen is living a meaningful life of helping others - of transcending the self - through his work as an RN and hypnotherapist; but it's his masterfully storytelling that makes you forget he is using time-test techniques to encourage...