Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

Homo Noeticus 2

I hope you were looking forward to this as much as I was.  If you listened to Homo Noeticus 1, you know the author, Dr. Ann Graber, had a profound impact on my career and professional trajectory.  I hope I honored her well with the recording of her speech from 2005 -...

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Homo Noeticus 1

I've been meaning to share this with you for quite a while - probably since I started The Meaning Project Podcast.  "Homo Noeticus" is the name Dr. Ann V. Graber gives to the potential evolution of humankind in her 2005 speech at the World Congress of Logotherapy,...

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Purpose Summit 2022 – Recap

For those who follow along on social media - which I am not very good at, so don't feel compelled to follow along, but if you want to, I believe the links are on this page and on the website - for those of you who do, you know I attended The Purpose Summit 2022 at the...

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Mental Health & Meaning in a Messy World

This conversation with Rabbi B. started with me saying, "B., I'm getting calls to come talk about Mental Health & Meaning from places I never would've expected it - construction, manufacturing, business... People are struggling." And so it went. That's the funny...

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Memorial Day & The Meaning in Military Service

Today we celebrate Memorial Day in the US - the unofficial start to summer - more importantly, the day we remember those who sacrificed their lives in military service. My good friend, Chief (retired) Paul shares his experience in the military - what led to his...

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The Meaning of Money

Money. Little green, or other-colored, pieces of paper. Numbers and decimals on a screen. Simple, as an object. But money has so much more emotional connotation - it represents work we've done, and opportunity ahead of us. It is ripe with the potential for meaning....

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Existential Dynamics & Therapist Break-downs

We've all been having a rough few years here, haven't we?  It finally caught up with me in the past few weeks and I actually missed a week of posting a podcast.  The podcast was actually done and recorded, but life and work caught up with me, and had me running around...

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Leading with Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

I always get a little skeptical when standard behaviors for healthy humans become buzzwords - especially when those buzzwords seem somewhat politically motivated or forced in a way that causes the concepts to lose meaning. I've been curious about the "Diversity,...

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Happiness Ensues

“Don’t aim at success—the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself...

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10 Ways to Betray a Lover

No, this is not a clip from the world-famous Paul Simon song.  We will not be hopping on a bus, nor dropping off the keys....  This is a real discussion on how individuals in a committed relationship break trust - and what can be done to rebuild that trust. I feel...

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