Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

What Will Hold You Back?

Three days in to a new year - what have you done with it so far?  What do you plan to do with the next 360+ days? What is going to stop you from achieving those goals? I'll answer that for you - perfectionism, lack of discipline, lack of self-forgiveness, fear,...

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What’s the Word for 2022?

Unbelievable...  The next time I write you, not only will it be next week, it will be NEXT YEAR! And for many of us, that means thinking of some changes we want to make next year - some of you may even call them..... "resolutions" or "goals", perhaps you have even...

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Tips for Happy – and Meaningful – Holidays

The holiday season is upon us.  Actually, it's been here for a little while.  But, if you are anything like me, it may have crept up on you.  And now, here we are. The holidays mean different things to different people, but here are some universally helpful ideas to...

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More Logotherapy Lectures

Good morning!  Hopefully you had the opportunity to listen to my run of logotherapy lectures over on The Meaning Project Podcast.  If you did, I would love to hear what you thought of them! I hope you enjoy the next set of Logotherapy Lectures.  These are more focused...

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The Holidays – a Light in the Darkness

Rabbi B. and I got together for one more discussion before taking a break before the holiday season.  Through this discussion, we address the historic and current meaning of the holiday season.  Although the holidays are typically times of great joy - or at least that...

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The Meaning of Meaning

In a world where "meta" represents an altered reality aimed at re-inventing or perhaps evening replacing our current reality, somewhat like that in "Ready Player One" (GREAT book, terrifying reality), Rabbi B. and get a little meta-physical and maybe even a little...

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The Rabbi and the Psychotherapist

Last week I was telling you about my recent rejection, and the doors it opened.  This new podcast episode is an example of that door.  "Rabbi B" approached me during that time of rejection suggesting we chat about logotherapy.  Here is the start of that conversation. ...

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AWESOME Marriage and Relationship Course!!

Even counselors need counseling from time to time - well, at least the good ones do, and I would like to consider myself in that group of "good", or maybe even "effective".  But, honestly, sometimes it's hard for a therapist to find a therapist... My wife and I wanted...

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On Tragic Optimism – Logotherapy Lecture 5

My first foray into Tragic Optimism, and the story of Dr. Long.  You’ll probably hear a lot of Dr. Long’s story, and others like it, in The Meaning Project, but this was my first taste of it. On Tragic Optimism - Logotherapy Lecture 5

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Almost “Ultimate Meaning” – Logotherapy Lecture 3

I was supposed to write about "Ultimate Meaning" here, but continued my assessment from the previous discussion and shared a little bit more of my amazement for these “wonderful tools” that I was learning to use to help people. I believe this is the first time I ever...

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