Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

AWESOME Marriage and Relationship Course!!

Even counselors need counseling from time to time - well, at least the good ones do, and I would like to consider myself in that group of "good", or maybe even "effective".  But, honestly, sometimes it's hard for a therapist to find a therapist... My wife and I wanted...

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On Tragic Optimism – Logotherapy Lecture 5

My first foray into Tragic Optimism, and the story of Dr. Long.  You’ll probably hear a lot of Dr. Long’s story, and others like it, in The Meaning Project, but this was my first taste of it. On Tragic Optimism - Logotherapy Lecture 5

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Almost “Ultimate Meaning” – Logotherapy Lecture 3

I was supposed to write about "Ultimate Meaning" here, but continued my assessment from the previous discussion and shared a little bit more of my amazement for these “wonderful tools” that I was learning to use to help people. I believe this is the first time I ever...

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“Weltanschauung” – Logotherapy Lecture 2

Just the heck was a “Weltanschauung” and how do you cure it?  It’s really not that bad - it’s German for “World View” - this lecture goes a bit into it, and the early findings in Frankl's Logotherapy, including a primer on the Three Pillars of Logotherapy and The...

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The Six Pillars of Health

Some days if feels more like six spinning plates in the air...  How are you doing in these areas of overall health & wellness?

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There is Enough of You

"The right attitude to the horror of existence—the alternative to resentment, deceit, and arrogance—is the assumption that there is enough of you, society, and the world to justify existence. That is faith in yourself, your fellow man, and the structure of existence...

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On Labor Day

As long as creative values are in the forefront of the life task, their actualization generally coincides with a person's work.  Work usually represents the area in which a the individual's uniqueness stands in relation to society and thus acquires meaning and value. ...

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Rules for Fair Fighting #42

I don't really think this is the 42nd time I've written about this, but it does seem like I've written about it quite a few times.  If it is redundant, I apologize - but I hope you still find it meaningful. And besides, we all know, or at least should know, "42" is...

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