Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Discover Meaning in the Experience of Travel
I filmed this video outside intentionally - to share a different perspective, but also to encourage YOU to GET OUTSIDE and GET AWAY. There is Meaning to be discovered there! [video width="640" height="360"...
Just One More
This struck me as a such a powerful and concise statement on life, that I had to share. (I have to admit, I pieced this together from highlights over several pages, these are Peterson's thoughts, edited through my perspective.) Take care, Dan. "Aim at something. Pick...
My JBP Collection
As I mentioned last week, I appreciate the recent work of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson in bringing some difficult topics to the forefront of current conversation - both psychologically and culturally. I'm not sure if he realizes it or not, but he is quite the Logotherapist...
Relationship Rescue w/ Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Over the next few weeks, I will sharing some of the insights and highlights I've found in Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's newest book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. I hope you find it as meaningful as I did. [video width="640" height="360"...
Living a Meaningful Life – “Memento Mori”
Many ancient philosophies and religions encourage us to "remember death" in order to live a more meaningful life. Are the existential questions related to your own mortality something that scares or motivates you? [video width="640" height="360"...
Statue of Responsibility
I hope you are enjoying a relaxing and fun-filled weekend celebrating Independence Day! Viktor Frankl wrote that our Statue of Liberty should be balanced with a Statue of Responsibility on the opposite coast - suggesting that with great freedom should also come the...
Meaning and Adventure Summer Challenge
Times of transition can be difficult for many of us - but sometimes the transition of the seasons can be particularly difficult. Here is a quick suggestion to make this transition a meaningful one. [video width="640" height="360"...
The One Simplest Relationship Rescue Strategy
Well, it is only one strategy, so I'm not going to tell you what it is here and ruin the surprise. Hint: I bet you already know what it is!
Top Relationship Rescue Strategies
I put together a list of the common relationship saving, and relationship improving, topics I talk about with clients in my office:
The Nature of Substance Use?
What is the nature of substance use? When does it become substance abuse? Why?
Celebrating Memorial Day
Thank you to all who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our Nation.
We Could All Use a Little Grace
It seems to me we could all use a little GRACE these days...