Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Happiness and Success
You cannot chase happiness. But if you seek meaning in your life, in your work, in your relationships, you might just find yourself being happy, and maybe even successful. “Don’t aim at success — the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to...
Thank You
Thank you. Lately, I've been filled with a lot of gratitude. It's been a rough few months - on top of a rough year - nothing I'm sure you don't know already. But the fact is, at least how I'm seeing it lately, is that you are doing something about it. Whether you...
A Drinking Song
Yes, that's right, a "Drinking Song" from your friendly neighborhood substance abuse counselor. Actually, as you might expect, it's a little bit more than that. Hopefully a little deeper, maybe a bit more meaningful. Enjoy. And if you would like to discuss...
What is Self-Transcendence, Again?
So last week, in talking about Leading for Meaning: What is "Meaning at Work?" I ran through the idea of "self-transcendence pretty quickly. A little too quickly for such an important idea. So I wanted to take a little time today to review the idea and maybe add a...
A Hopeful History – Part 2
Last week, I wrote about Bregman's Humankind: A Hopeful History, if you want to review that piece, and why I think this book is important, you can just click here. But, if you already read last week's post, you probably just want to move on with his additional five...
What is “Meaning at Work?”
I've had a lot of fun sharing the ideas in my presentation LEADing for Meaning: What is "Meaning at Work?" with several groups and conferences this year. I thought you might find some of the information helpful. Of course, if you would like to discuss more, or know...
Relationships Without Regret
Embrace Suffering
Meaning, JBP, CtA2, Politics & Religion
I thought I would give video a try this time around - let me know what you think! - Dan A few of the items referenced in the...
A Hopeful History – Part 1
I was recommended to read Humankind: A Hopeful History by Pam Roy, co-founder of the Viktor Frankl Institute of America. The book takes a positive, and sometimes meaningful, approach to the question of human nature, and whether humankind is inherently good or evil. ...
Relish Your Partner
Look, I didn't name it, but I am using it. Relish is a new - or at least new to me - "Relationship Coaching and Self-Care App", recommended to me by someone in my office. So far, I kind of like it. It's got quite a few of the tools I use in my office - attachment...
Is It All Falling Apart?
If feels that way lately. A lot of people are struggling - anxiety, depression, substance abuse, marital issues, work frustrations... Oh yeah, and then there is the old pandemic, the fear of a new pandemic, whether or not to get vaccinated, political unrest, rising...