Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

“The Architect of His Present Destiny”

"Then and there he understood that he is by no means merely the product of his childhood but the architect of his present destiny." One of the most common question I field as a psychotherapist is, "How did this event in the past affect who I am today?", or "How will...

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My Afternoon with Johann Hari

Seeking out and engaging in interesting experiences can be very meaningful.  Nature, Music, Art, Speakers - I've found all of them meaningful at different times. Last week I had the opportunity to experience some time with one of my favorite authors - Johann Hari.  It...

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Logotherapy Rules for the Family

In last week's podcast, I discussed Parenting for Meaning and Family Dynamics - topics that seem to be quite pertinent in our times today, or at least in my clinical work, they have been. Dr. Elisabeth Lukas, a student of Frankl's, shares these "rules for the family"...

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Tragic Optimism for Our Suffering World

In last week's podcast, I talked about Viktor Frankl's idea of "Tragic Optimism" - that is, optimism "in spite of" the suffering in the world, the suffering brought on by pain, guilt, and death. We don't have to look too far to see suffering.  Maybe we are...

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The Medicine Chest of the Human Spirit

I fell on this while research a speech I am preparing - I forgot how profound the work of my dear Professor, Dr. Ann V. Graber, can be.  You can here Alex Vesely and I swoon over her work a bit in last week's podcast.  Alex is the grandson of Viktor Frankl, and an...

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Looking For A Sign

This is, perhaps, is one of my favorite stories from any of Viktor Frankl's books.  I remember tearing up a bit the first time I read it - the idea of "responsible action" in the face of such consequences was quite overwhelming.  But I think it can also be a statement...

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Anxiety & Trauma Resources

If you listened to last week's podcast with Crystal Whitlow, you know that EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - is one of the newest and most effect treatments for "Big T" and "Little T" trauma, as well as anxiety.  Crystal also shared that it might...

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REBT – Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

In last week's podcast, my discussion with Dan Hostetler on how he is using Logotherapy at Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center, we briefly discussed how Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is used there as well.  REBT is an excellent technique - one I enjoyed...

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The Benefits of Flexibility

Stretching improves muscle flexibility, relieves tension, improves exercise, and is just overall pretty good for you.  I'm going to assume most people know that, even if we all don't practice it as much as we should.  Just a simple few moments to stand up from your...

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On Grace

"Grace" is a word I use a lot in my office.  I can't take credit for it.  The idea was shared with me long ago by a good friend - another therapist.  Over the years, I've added a bit to what he told me about it - as you might guess, the word has quite a bit of...

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The Essence of Existence

“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only...

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Logotherapy in a Nutshell

If you've been following my writings or listening to The Meaning Project podcast lately, you probably know I'm a big fan of Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy.  It's not only an excellent adjunct to most theories of psychotherapy, but it's also a philosophy of life derived...

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