Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

Personal Insights from My Ketamine Practicum

For those of you who read this email regularly, you know I was recently attending my Ketamine Practicum for the Integrative Psychiatry Institue's certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.  I shared about my experience in a recent "bonus edition email", and here is...

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My Recent Experiences with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

I didn't think I could fill up an entire hour talking about Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.  But, once I got started talking about my experiences this week, I just kept going.  There was a lot to share.  I hope you find it as meaningful as I did. In this...

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Desiderata is Latin for "things desired".  I wish I could remember how I wandered upon this poem in the past few weeks, but I don't.  Perhaps it was just divine inspiration coming through the internet, because it's a pretty great poem.  If you take a look at it's...

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Dream Builder Coaching

There is a significant difference between counseling and coaching.  And there is often, almost always, just as significant a difference HOW people get into coaching or counseling as a profession. In this episode, I talk to speaker and coach Diana Lippert about the...

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The Meaning of Mystical Experiences and Psychedelic Medicine

I feel like I am constantly talking about Ketamine and Psilocybin lately.  Not only because I've been studying them fairly in-depth, but also because I believe in their healing power - I've seen their healing potential in class, through videos, and in my professional...

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Exploring the Healing Power of Ketamine

I am ALL IN on the re-emerging field of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy!  Now, I recognize, I may have a bit of a bias - a few biases: I've been neck deep in the Integrative Psychiatry Institute's (IPI) certification training since July.  Probably 4-5 hours per week of...

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The Last of the Human Freedoms

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. If I were to sum up the entirety of Dr. Viktor Frankl’s works, as I have come to understand them, and...

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Veteran’s Day 2024: Meaning in Military Service

Two Marines and a Sailor walk into a podcast... the rest was simply my honor to witness. In this engaging conversation, veterans share their personal journeys into military service, reflecting on the influences of family, community, and personal choices. They discuss...

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As I Prepare for My Ketamine Experience

As I am completing the documentation for my Ketamine experience as part of the Psychedelic Assisted Therapy I am enrolled in, I thought I would share parts of it with you. I'm excited for the experience.  But even more so now.  It's pretty rare that medical release...

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Are You Ready for Ketamine?

Over two decades ago, when I first started in the industry working in adolescent substance abuse treatment, Ketamine was only a street-drug to me.  A substance used in the medical field, that addicts would find illegally - often stealing in it from physicians and...

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