Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

On Collective Guilt

When commenting on blaming all Germans, all Nazis, for the atrocities he faced for three years in the concentration camps of WWII, Viktor Frankl wrote in Man's Search for Meaning, “As for the concept of collective guilt, I personally think that it is totally...

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The Tyranny of Indecision

Psychotherapy, counseling, and coaching are not always about working with anxiety, depression, and the labels of other mental health issues. My work week is filled with helping people make decisions - we explore a lot of questions in my office (and on Zoom now)....

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Memorial Day 2020

I've always had a special appreciation for Memorial Day.  As a kid, of course it meant the end of school and the beginning of summer.  We would often have family cook-outs with my cousins, aunts, and uncles - the adults would enjoy a day of barbecuing and horseshoes,...

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The Tragic Triad

Pain, Guilt, Death - we can't escape them.  They are as much a part of human life as breathing.  In Logotherapy, they are considered the "Tragic Triad" - those forms of suffering that are inescapable in our human existence. Many people have been facing an inordinate...

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The Statue of Responsibility

“Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.” - Viktor Frankl I've...

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Back to Normal?

You may have heard me say this before, but "normal" is not a point along a spectrum with a defined set of criteria.  No, "normal" is the spectrum itself.  There is a wide range of "normal" that is considered to be within acceptable limits. That being said, we've...

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“Liminal Space”

Many times in my reading, I find an author who expands on my thoughts or ideas in a much more powerful way than I ever could.  That happened this morning, so I thought I would share it with you - it's similar to what I have been writing about throughout the virus...

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Love & Podcasts in the Time of COVID-quarantine

I don't know about you, but it's hard to be the most loving husband and father after being in the same house nearly 24-hours a day for the past several weeks.  This is a trying time - a fascinating one if you let it be - but a difficult one for many of us. I found...

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Who Will You Be?

When this is all over - when the world returns to "normal", or the new normal it will be, Who will you be? Many of you may have just celebrated the holiday of Easter, a holiday of rebirth and resurrection - with a season of preparation and contemplation leading up to...

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Almost Lost It All

If you read my Monday morning email last week, you know that this site was hacked, and I almost lost the whole thing - several years of articles and blog posts and all the related information that promotes my practice. Obviously, I didn't lose it, it's still here. ...

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Be Her Hero

I read a lot to stay on top of the latest developments in my field, as well as to grow personally.  Usually I have stack of books next to my "reading chair", a stack up on my desk, a few downstairs in the basement, and my ever-present Kindle in my backpack.  I like to...

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What is Love?

Last week, I discussed the idea of "what makes a man", or even "a good man".  The final idea was that a good man "loves defiantly", or loves better than what our current culture expects of him. But, what is "love"?  It's a difficult concept that philosophers,...

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