Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

What Makes a Man?

Men, we've got a problem - many of us don't know what it means to be a man.  We know it.  Our wives, girlfriends, co-workers, daughters, and female friends know it.  We've been getting some mixed messages for a while, and it hasn't been easy - we can blame society,...

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The Four Horsemen of Relationship Apocalypse

Hopefully your Valentine's Day last week was an enjoyable one - maybe you enjoyed a nice dinner out and some connecting conversation, or perhaps a quiet evening and home and some closeness. But if not, if Valentine's Day was a source of relationship stress,...

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How to Discover Meaning

"Man is a being in search of Meaning." - Viktor Frankl So how do we find meaning in our lives? The simple "How To Guide": We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: (1) by creating a work or doing a deed; (2) by experiencing something or...

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But I Just Want to be Happy!

"But I just want to be happy - why can't that just be easier?" That was the statement from my teenage daughter during one of "those" discussions about life, the future, responsibility, success, etc. I feel for her.  It can't be easy - it wasn't easy when I was her...

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Next Level Self-Care

In our stressed-out, 80-hour work week, 5-hours of sleep per night, skip meals, work smarter not harder, hyper-connected, teched out world, we've recently started to hear more about "self-care" - the idea of taking time for yourself.  As a clinician, I remember quite...

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The Ailment of Our Times

Anxiety, Depression, Bi-polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Eating Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Dementia, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. All very different mental illnesses with one thing in common: they have defined...

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“I cannot”

"I cannot" - that's readily said, so quickly and so easily, it hardly requires a thought, only a motion of the tongue. And a possibility is dead.   How would it have been, if it had stayed alive?   Would it have made the unexpected expected, the unbelievable...

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The Year of Do the Next Right Thing

We are almost a week into the new year - a time where many of us are still pushing hard to move forward with those big resolutions, or maybe reviewing where we may need to adjust our goals. Everyday life isn't always about "The Big Goal", it's about making the next...

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What are Your Goals for 2020?

With only a few days left in 2019, many of us begin to look at goals for the new year, we talk of "resolutions". Any day is a good day to set a new goal, to look to achieve something, to grow beyond what we once were.  But the beginning of a new year seems to add...

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A Logotherapist’s Wish

My hope for you this week is that you enjoy a meaningful, blessed, and possibly even happy, holiday. This week marks the culmination of several weeks of "preparation" for my faiths and religions.  It has been a time to remember the difficulties and struggles of life,...

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Want v. Ought

"The ought is the ethical directive, how our personal conscience tells us to act in response to the meaning of the moment, to make us aware that what we feel deep within us is most meaningful.  If the "want" is the result of our will to meaning, it is in accord with...

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Darkness of the Holidays

Many traditions speak of a time of "darkness" leading up to the holidays.  This time of year can often be dark for many people. The change in the seasons can have a significant effect on mental, emotional, and even physical health. If you've suffered loss of a loved...

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