Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Chasing the Scream
I found Johann Hari's TED talk about addiction several months ago - it was compelling enough for me to read his book, Chasing the Scream. You can watch the video below - I would be curious to know what you think. As an addictions professional for the past 20 years -...
The Noö-dynamics of Behavior
Noö-dynamics. I really just love that word and wanted another excuse to talk about it. I was reminded of this awesome concept as I was just finishing up the write up of The Meaning Project for a conference in June. If all goes well, I will earn the Diplomate in...
Judgement and Happiness
"Judgmentalism is in indeed a disease of the mind: it leads to anger, torment, and conflict. But it is also the mind's natural condition - the elephant (the uncontrollable, impulsive part of the mind) is always evaluating, always saying "Like it" or "Don't like it." ...
Carry the Heavy Burden
"If architects want to strengthen a decrepit arch, they increase the load which is laid upon it, for thereby the parts are joined more firmly together. So if therapists wish to foster their patients’ mental health, they should not be afraid to create a sound amount of...
Changing the Substance Abuse Epidemic
As you may know, our country is in the grips of a substance abuse epidemic. Lives are lost every day. The addict is not the homeless man on the street drinking out of a brown bag. He could be your neighbor, she could be your friend. It's not always obvious. The...
The Compatibility Question
"Do you believe there is "The One" for everyone, that we have a soul-mate?" That was right after he asked me, "Do you believe in Fate or Luck?" Definitely some thought-provoking questions. In terms of compatibility, NO, I don't think we all have a "soul-mate". I...
“Toxic Positivity”
This could also be called "what to say when you don't know what to say". Often, I find it is the most to know what to say when the stakes are highest, the most meaningful. It's often hard to know what to say to encourage or console someone who is struggling, so we...
Meaning and Wisdom from Viktor & I
Last week, I had the distinct honor to spend a day with film maker and Logotherapist, Alex Vesely - the grandson of Viktor Frankl. He screened his movie, Viktor and I, for us. It was Amazing. Inspiring. Tearful. Meaningful. Wise. Insightful. More than a...
Emotional Sea Level w/ Dr. Weil
Where our modern world tells us to "be happy, regardless of the circumstances", even if it means taking a pill, Viktor Frankl tells us to that life has meaning in all circumstances. However, meaning does not guarantee happiness, and maybe happiness should not always...
The Science of Emotions
Just kidding. There is no "science" - well at least there is no scientific consensus yet. There is plenty of scientific research going on around them. We just aren't that sure how to define them yet. Does it amaze anyone else that such a critical, all-inclusive part...
The Most Vital Piece…
...of Communication - in any relationship - but especially in a committed relationship... Is LISTENING. Although it is easy to write, it is pretty difficult for many of us to do. For us Extroverts it is very hard to have the patience to wait for our Introvert to...
Consumer Society & The Family
I'm just not feeling "it" today. In fact, I'm feeling pretty low. Maybe it's the weather, or possibly giving up that hour of sleep last night, after staying up a little too late to finish that Netflix series. It could be a little "Sunday Neurosis" as Frankl would...