Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

Is CBD for Me?

As a social scientist, I am trained to be skeptical; to be a critical consumer of research. As a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor, I'm extra skeptical of most substances - I do quite a lot of research before I recommend people put anything into their bodies for...

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“That’s Not Good” – JBP’s Rules for Life

"There is no enlightened one.  There is only the one who is seeking further enlightenment.  Proper Being is process, not a state; a journey, not a destination.  It's the continual transformation of what you know, through encounter with what you don't know, rather than...

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Stress is Good for You

Stress is a sense that we have something to do that we haven't done yet.  In manageable doses, stress is a healthy motivator that propels us to get stuff done.  When we are in a position to choose our own stress - to choose projects we want to do, work we find...

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Better Living Through Self-Transcendence

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13 This may be a Biblical statement, but the same sentiment can be found throughout recorded history, mythology, and even our modern story-telling. 300 Spartans laid down...

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There’s NO Such Thing as a Dragon!

...until it is destroying your home. Small dragons that sit on tables become gigantic dragons that destroy homes.  That is the crux of Jack Kent's children's story.  But it has very real meaning in the adult world: Daily drinking can become binge-drinking that turns...

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So Live Your Life

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long...

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Labor Day and Meaning in Work

Today we honor the American labor movement, and the American laborer for all they have added to the "strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country." Hopefully, you are able to take some time away from labor to enjoy meaningful fun, hobby, or socializing. ...

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When Heroes Die

There seems to be an apocalyptic event every few years, if you're in to the whole comic book / superhero thing.  There is a giant "RESET" button when things start to get too complicated.  If you've watched the most recent addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you...

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Pain, Suffering, & Substance Abuse – a personal story

I don't often share personal stories about myself.  As a psychotherapist, I received some pretty strict training on the appropriate use of self-disclosure as a therapeutic tool, and I've found over time that less is more when trying to help people through their own...

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10 Betrayals

Infidelity, extramarital affairs, sexual promiscuity - often sensationalized in the media, these relationship destroying choices happen all too often in "real life".  However, lesser indiscretions can often lead a couple to struggle significantly, and can cause untold...

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Fundamental Rules for the Family

"Today, individuals are adept at making their demands on life and getting what they want, carelessly overlooking their human kinship and the bond that ties them together in needing one another and being needed."   "They slide from self-confidence via...

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Saying the “Right” Words

"The most important things are often the hardest to say, because words diminish them."  - Stephen King But it is still important to try. "I'm sorry." "I forgive you." "I love you." "You hurt me." "I want to connect with you, but I have no idea how to." Taking...

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