Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Leading for Meaning
Most of us find ourselves with an opportunity to lead from time to time - many of us are leaders on a daily basis, either at work or in our families. I thought I would share some notes from a recent presentation for those of us who may want to engage in a more...
I’ve Been Thinking About Death Lately
Not in the morbid, "is it my time" way. But more in the "where is my life going and what have I done with the time I've had" way. That's not always a welcome idea in our culture. Death. We spend much of our time trying to avoid that thought, trying to avoid the...
But it’s Not About the Guns!
Maybe it is. I'm honestly not sure anymore. And really, that's not my role. Whether it is or isn't about gun control is not my area of expertise. What I do know is that we face an existential vacuum as traditional morals and values continue to change - which can be...
Choose Better
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." - Viktor Frankl Pain. Guilt. Death. Frankl called them "The Tragic Triad". No human being can...
The Key to Success & Happiness
I found it - the key to happiness and success. All this time we've all been looking for it, and here it is in a short 5-minute blog post. Enjoy. “Don’t aim at success—the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like...
86,400 Hours of Work
If you graduated from high school at the age of 18, went to college and graduated in four years, then went out into the real world and got a real job working 40 hours a week and you worked forty-eight weeks a, took four weeks' annual vacation (two weeks more than most...
Why are Our Children Killing Each Other and Themselves?
We have witnessed another horrific tragedy. A young man went into a school in Florida and killed former classmates and teachers. Why? Many will tell you it was the fault of the gun that was used. Others might blame the education system that expelled him, or the...
The Four Horsemen of the (Relationship) Apocalypse
Criticism | Contempt | Defensiveness | Stonewalling I truly appreciate the work of Dr. John Gottman and the Gottman Institute. They've been studying relationships for decades and have an exceptional research model they use in their "Love Lab" in Seattle. Their books...
When Stress is Good for You
I've been having this conversation quite a lot lately, so I thought maybe I'd share it with you. Let me know what you think. Viktor Frankl tells us in Man's Search for Meaning, "I consider it a dangerous misconception of mental hygiene to assume that what man needs...