Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
The Meaning of Humor & Comedy: Addressing Difficult Topics
Have you seen the Tom Brady roast on Netflix yet? Me, neither. But that doesn't prevent my good friend Dr. Baruch HaLevi and I from diving into the inherent meaning of this public display. In this conversation, Dr. Dan and Rabbi B discuss the concept of cancel...
Finding Meaning, Purpose, and Community to Combat Anxiety
I've been reading some interesteing stuff lately. And quite honestly, I'm not sure how I got to these books, so I figured I would talk about it on the The Meaning Project Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Dan discusses two books that explore the causes of the mental...
Discernment & Decision Making: The Road Not Taken
Many of us have confused this famous poem and called it, "The Road Less Traveled" - honoring the heroic, or perceived heroic, nature of making a decision that goes against the grain. However, this poem is about far more than that - it is also about the regret and...
Holding Space: Being Fully Seen and Heard
"Holding Space" - the art of truly being present with someone in a restorative and healing manning. We don't get enough of that in our day-to-day lives. The conversation explores the importance of human connection in finding meaning in life. It emphasizes that...
Seeking Meaning and Purpose: Embracing Growth and Resilience
The conversation explores the concept of reductionism and how it can limit our understanding of ourselves and others. It emphasizes the importance of not reducing ourselves to a single label or diagnosis, but instead embracing our multifaceted identities. Dr, Dan and...
You Need a “BIGGER WHY”
In this conversation, Dr. Dan and Dr. B discuss the question 'What am I?' and explore the concept of self-transcendence. They emphasize the importance of going beyond labels and focusing on the deeper aspects of our existence. They also discuss the alignment of mind,...
More Meaning from The Doctor and the Soul
If you've been reading this weekly update for very long, you know I loooooooooooove Dr. Frankl's great book, The Doctor and the Soul. So, I decided to share more of my reading with you via podcast and or video: Podcast: TMP-Ep147 - More Meaning from The Doctor and...
Meaningful Parenting
The conversation explores the challenges and history of adolescent treatment, the impact of past treatment practices, and the need for change in the education system. Dr. Dan & Dr. B. discuss the importance of honoring the individuality and wild nature of boys, as...
Psychological Anxiety or Spiritual Distress? A Return to Self.
In this episode, Dr. Dan and Dr. B discuss the importance of personal connection and community in finding meaning and purpose in life. They highlight the impact of the Victor Frankl Meaning Academy and the role it plays in providing a supportive and nurturing...
Where is Smoky the Bear? Have We Just Given Up on Prevention?
I was being a dutiful father, standing in line at the local supermarket pharmacy, patiently - maybe impatiently - waiting for my daughter's prescriptions to help her recovery after having her wisdom teeth removed. I know it couldn't have been a fun procedure, so...
The Human Spirit – Beyond the Mind-Body Connection; “Be a Spiritual Mutt”
As you may know, Logotherapy was the first major theory of psychology to go beyond the mind and body to discuss and analyze the human "spirit" - that part of us that houses our tool box of resilience, that is our uniqueness, our singularity. That construct that...
How I Use the Psychology of Meaning in My Life
"Meaning" - I talk about it every day. Most days, I listen to others struggling with "Meaning" in their life, and I offer ways to help them heal, grow, improve, become, and discover meaning. Some days, I even have to use it myself. Lately, I've been using it a lot,...