Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Meaningful Holiday Gift Giving
For the past 10-15 years, every year that I have been in private practice; I have written or recorded a "Holiday Gift Guide" on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Back when I started, I don't even think it was called "Cyber Monday" yet. In the beginning, it was a few...
Gun Violence and the Mental Health Industry’s Responsibility
This was definitely not a topic I ever intended to cover. However, when a good friend calls and says he needs your opinion for a paper he is writing - well, I decided to hit the record button to see where it went. And, in my opinion, it went pretty well. In this...
“Thank” Your Fear & Anxiety
The 12-Step industry says FEAR is "False Emotion Appearing Real". However, for many of us FEAR, and the related emotion ANXIETY, can feel VERY REAL. Sometimes, they can be debilitating. In this episode of the podacst, Dr. B. and I discuss the modern manifestion of...
Cold & Flu, Seasonal Affect Disorder, & Holiday Season
It's that time of the year again! The time when many of us clinicians get early morning calls to reschedule or cancel appointments due to "cold", "flu", or "feeling terrible", and we graciously accept so that we may keep those particular ailments out of our offices....
So Many Forms of “Addiction” and Compulsion & How the Three Pillars of Logotherapy Can Help
With everything growing so quickly at The Meaning Academy, Dr. B. & Dr. D. crossed paths and calendars this week, and somehow missed each other's schedule. So, after many weeks, I return to share a solo podcast!! I thought some recent research into Frank's "The...
How to Live w/ Meaning, Purpose, & Resilience
We say it at the end of the Viktor Frankl Meaning Academy podcast every week, "now go live your life with Meaning, Purpose, & Resilience." But how do you do that? We've probably discussed it different ways at different times, in brief. So, in this episode, we...
Only Two Races: the Decent & the Indecent
In 'Man's Search for Meaning', Dr. Frankl writes; “There are two races of men in this world, but only these two -- the "race" of the decent man and the "race" of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists...
To Be a Good Human
What does it mean to "be a good human"? I had the opportunity to take a good friend and business owner out to dinner recently. The hope, other than some good chicken wings, was in to pick his brain about his business success for a new project I am working on helping...
The Transition from Morning to Afternoon of Life
Life is full of transitions - and many of us struggle through them. Whether it is the struggle from one season to the next, from summer to fall to winter; or it is the struggle from youth to middle age, we all have our hiccups along the path of life. Psychologist Carl...
Coach Prime & The Compassion of Brutal Honesty
Go to your local bookstore - if you still have one within a hundred miles - or run a quick online search on the topic, and you can find endless information on parenting. How to raise the perfect child, or even simpler, how not to 'break' your child in the first 18...
Psychology of Men: The Transition from Prince to King
How do men grow from "Prince" to "King"? (And hopefully bypass "Toad") At one time, we lived in a culture full of male initiation rites. But that has changed in the past few decades. So how can men grow from adolescent to adult in a healthy and positive way? What does...
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Take three Logotherapists and put them together in a room to discuss the importance and impact of logotherapy in modern times. That's what this podcast is all about - I welcome my peers from the Meaning Academy, Dr. Baruch "B" HaLevi and Dr. Alise Cortez to discuss...