Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning
Resilience in times of Cannabis, COVID, and Consolation Prizes w/ Dr. Sarah Musavi
Dr. Sarah Musavi befriended both B. and I at different times over the past few years. She is a dynamic helper, working to guide parents in Canada through difficult modern times raises teens and young adults. If you remember, I was on her show back in the fall of '22 -...
Radical Honesty or Radical Responsibilty w/ The Meaning Academy
There is an idea in psychology that "Radical Honesty" with one's self and those around you is an important key to health and happiness. Not just an idea, but a book and series of workshops on the idea, if you are interested. Serendipitously, Rabbi B. found this idea...
Officer Training School & Prospect Theory w/ Dr. Dennis Tansley
Dr. Dennis Tansley is an amazing chat. He has spent most of his life serving, in some capacity, in the United States Air Force. Today he serves as a Psychologist at the VA. His story from being "a hippie in a van" to Officer Training School (OTS) to now a Counseling...
Self-Awareness & Resiliency w/ Michael Laidler
Michael Laidler was born and raised in Miami, Florida, by a single mother and his grandmother. With no father around, he had to learn how to lead himself before he learned how to lead others. He had to learn how to survive his surroundings, moving every year just to...
Meaningful Summer Reading
Hopefully you have the opportunity to plan some rest and relaxation this summer, maybe even a meaningful opportunity to travel or experience new places. For me, summer can mean a little bit of extra time to catch up on reading. That could be listening to audiobooks...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Menacing or Meaningful?
Artificial Intelligence - AI - was once just a thing of movies and fiction. But, even then, I think we knew it was coming, and now it is here in a variety of forms. In this episode, Rabbi B. and Dr. D. from The Meaning Academy discuss the meaning potential of AI,...
Your Search for Meaning
Once again, this week, The Meaning Project Podcast is being taken over by The Meaning Academy Podcast. In this episode, Rabbi B. and I discuss the intricacies of Your Search for Meaning, and what you can do to live a meaningful, purposeful, and resilient life. The...
The Meaning of “The Man in the Arena”
President Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech is often used as motivational material - as an admonition to get out and "just do it", or to "dare greatly". In this episode of the podcast, Rabbi B. and I discuss this idea from a different perspective. Maybe...
Viktor Frankl’s Toughest Question
Dr. Viktor Franlk was known to be quite direct in his approach to helping people. Perhaps, some might even call his questioning to be a bit "harsh" at times. However, his results were unquestionably successful. In one of the darkest times in his country's history, he...
Stress and Existential Dynamics
I don't know about you, but some days I feel like STRESS should be added to the Tragic Triad to make a Tragic Square - Pain, Guilt, Suffering, and STRESS. The 4 things we will all have to deal with in our lives. This past week was particularly stressful for me - I'll...
Why is Spirituality Important?
Rabbi B., Dr. Baruch HaLevi, logotherapist, former Rabbi (once a Rabbi always a Rabbi?), and all-around good man, is someone I have the honor to have become friends with through our mutual work to share the wisdom of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, and the...
Find Meaning in Life Every Day
From what I've read, most podcasts don't make it past 10 episodes. And a large percentage aren't sharing weekly content. Thank you for giving me this opportunity - and the motivation and encouragement to go with it - in order to continue sharing these ideas on mental...