Ideas on Mental Health & Meaning

The Question Life Asks Us

The question life ask us, and in answering which we can realize the meaning of the present moment, does not only change from hour to hour but also changes from person to person: the question is entirely different in each moment for every individual. What is waiting...

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Is It Depression, or Are You “Just Not Feeling It”?

I'm just not feeling it this episode. Haven't been "feelin' it" for a little while now. But then again, many of us "aren't feeling it" - are we depressed? Am I depressed? Or, maybe, is it a case of The Winter Blues - "Seasonal Affect Disorder" - or the body's natural...

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The Meaning of Military Retirement

Retirement can often lead to the dreaded "Existential Vacuum" if we are not prepared to take meaningful action after the end of the job. Navy Chief Petty Officer (Retired) Joseph Paul and I have been friends for quite a while, so we typically have quite a bit to talk...

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Narcissists Among Us

There are Narcissists among us. But maybe not as many as you think. And most of us shouldn't be throwing around that label as casually as we are - and we CERTAINLY shouldn't be "researching" it (ie. Doctor Google & WebMD) it online! So, if there is someone in our...

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How Cyber Security Can Help You “Hack Your Potential”

What in the world does cyber security have to do with Mental Health and Meaning?  Well, if you've ever had your security breached, you know the negative impact it can have on your mental health! Heuric Rako is a Cyber Security professional with over 8 years in the...

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Why Hasn’t Logotherapy Scaled in the US?

If you've been following this email, or The Meaning Project Podcast for the past year, you know what's about to happen. If you know, you know. When Rabbi B. and I get together, good conversations about Logotherapy happen. This episode is no exception. Yeah, we start...

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Work at Your Resonant Frequency

Dr. Xu Simon is smart. Being that she works in the Boston area, you could say she is "wicked smaaht". She earned her BA in Biochemistry from Rice University and, in 2008, completed her PhD in Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Structure at MIT. After conducting...

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Existential Dynamics, MEPSRV, Create & Move in 2023

I thought we'd have a nice little chat - just you and me, to start the year. This is often a time of reflection and goal-setting - or "resolutions", if you will.  In this episode of the podcast, I share a little bit about my goals for 2023, how I did in 2022, and how...

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Finding Your “Golden Thread”

Dr. Holly Woods is a Purpose activator, entrepreneur, scientist, author, speaker, innovation, product and systems consultant and undaunted catalyst to help you become the most alive, emergent and embodied version of yourself and to achieve all that. Basically, she is...

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Making Meaningful Decisions

Here's the thing...  this week, then the weekend...  They both got away from me.... I was busy spending time with my wife Holiday shopping... well, and also working. Then we had one child busy working her job and working on finals.  The other working on finals and...

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