I have a question for you

I really do have a question for you – so thanks for taking the time to open this.  I hope you have a few moments to respond. I’ve spent the past few years in some intense studying – I’ve recently wrapped that up and will graduate in a few...

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2018! So what are you going to do with it? You’ve got the next 365 days to make 2018 the most meaningful, Or the most productive, or loving, or healthy, or exciting, or relaxing, or outstanding. Maybe this is the year you start that business.  Or...

We’ll Be Back in 2018!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and heartfelt wishes for a healthy & meaningful 2018! Hopefully you are enjoying a restful and relaxing holiday season, and a peaceful end to 2017. We are preparing to pick up where we left off with some new and innovative...