Existential Tension; When Everything is Taken Away

June 3, 2024
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  – Viktor Frankl
By no means was “everything” taken away.  But that hour of work we put in was.  The beautiful podcast we recorded was not to be – the victim of new technology.  So I had to choose the way – would I leave you listeners hanging, wondering what happened, no podcast drop?  Would I find the time to re-record somewhere in the week?  Or… one of my least favorite things to do – would I offer you a previous episode, one that I selected as a past favorite?
I didn’t want to leave you hanging.  And I couldn’t squeeze in more recording time.  So I offer you this from the archives.  One of my favorite topics.  Existential Dynamics – the yin and the yang of daily life.  Enjoy.

To contact Dr. Dan go to www.DanielAFranz.com or email me directly at DrDan@DanielAFranz.com

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