Exploring the Healing Power of Ketamine

October 7, 2024

I am ALL IN on the re-emerging field of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy!  Now, I recognize, I may have a bit of a bias – a few biases:

  1. I’ve been neck deep in the Integrative Psychiatry Institute’s (IPI) certification training since July.  Probably 4-5 hours per week of intense study.  I’m drinking from a firehose lately.
  2. I’ve been frustrated in modern Western medicines excessive use of Serotonin-based anti-depressants as well as the use of Benzodiazapines for anxiety for quite a few years.
  3. I have a strong belief in naturally occuring substances like psilocybin, coca, tobacco, mescaline, cannabis, ayahuasca, and especially coffee – that have been used for their healing effects for thousands of years, that we have basterdized with commecialism and criminality.
  4. I’ve been pretty “straight-laced” my entire life – I enjoy the occasional craft beer or “two-finger pour” of bourbon, and I will smoke a cigar or a pipe every once in a while; but I grew up, and have always operated from the 1980’s War on Drugs commercial, “This is your brain… this is your brain on DRUGS”, (pan camera to broken egg frying in a skillet).  So I never considered any of these options as a viable solution for mental health.

Until now.

So, I think I have a good handle on my biases.  And I am still, ALL IN.

Right now, Ketamine is the only universally legal psychedelic medicine.  It is NOT natural, but is a man-made anaesthetic.  If you’ve had a surgery, you’ve probably had Ketamine.  I believe that because it is man-made, it may have had an easier path through the FDA, that’s why we have it now.  But I’m not going to get into the politics here.

I believe in it.  I’m going to try it – I have an infusion scheduled later this month.  Infusion is the slow and easy process – a drip into your system.  And then later this year, I will have an intramuscular injection – more of a direct and not subtle dosing, as part of IPI certification.  I’ll tell you all about after wards.

I talk more about it in the Meaning Project podcast – links are below.  But typing that reminds me of another bias.  I am so excited in the power of these substances to help people discover new MEANING in their lives.  Each one of the substances I listed has the potential to induce a “mystical experience” consistent with the research of the great William James, or the later work of Richard Pahnke – who I will be discussing in future writing or podcasts.  I believe one-time experiences with these substances can improve mental health and meaning in a way that we haven’t seen before – and that doesn’t require you to take a daily pill from Big Pharma. 

You can have a listen here: TMP-Ep164 – Exploring the Healing Power of Ketamine

or check out the full video version here: Dr. Dan’s Youtube Channel

And, as always, if I can be of service, please go on over to www.DanielAFranz.com or you are welcome to email directly at DrDan@DanielAFranz.com