Happiness, Haidt, and Parenting

July 14, 2019

If you’ve been reading the past few weeks, you may have read about The Happiness Hypothesis, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s collection of ancient wisdom and modern science on happiness.  It’s a fascinating read that has more to do with discovering meaning than one might initially expect.  I highly recommend it.


Reading this work led me to review some of Haidt’s other ideas.  He spoke on the Joe Rogan podcast about several aspects of his research.  The part that jumped out to me the most were his ideas on parenting, and what we can do to help our children develop resilience, and to be happier and more successful later in life – this also related to why many young adults today may struggle with higher rates of anxiety, depression, and peanut allergies.  Yes, he spoke on peanut allergies – and it was quite entertaining.  What I love about the Rogan podcast is that it is a classic long-form discussion, not just a few minutes of conversation surrounded by advertisements, but Joe speaks with his guests for THREE HOURS.  You can’t help but get in depth in that amount of time.  Having an award winning social psychologist speak for three hours would usually cost several thousand dollars in tuition money – you can get that wisdom here for free.  Enjoy!


Haidt also speaks with one of my favorite psychologists, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, about “The Perilous State of the University.”  If you are preparing to send your children to college, this is a necessary podcast to listen to!  In a short, but information dense, discussion, they break down some of the difficulties we are seeing on college campuses, and offer research-based suggestions on how to best prepare your children.  Listening to two academics of this caliber may require some rewinding to understand what they are saying – at least I know it did for me – but again, this kind of wisdom usually comes at a much higher cost.  Take the time to invest in understanding your children’s future.