Happy New Year!

December 31, 2017

Welcome to 2018!

So what are you going to do with it?

You’ve got the next 365 days to make 2018 the most meaningful,

Or the most productive, or loving, or healthy, or exciting, or relaxing, or outstanding.

Maybe this is the year you start that business.  Or change jobs all together.

Or maybe this is the year you take that week off, and actually avoid work for a week.  This could be the year you take the family on an honest-to-goodness vacation for a week or two.

Maybe it’s the year you get serious about your health – take up running or put down the soda.  Maybe you cultivate a daily meditation or yoga practice.

The point is, this could be YOUR year.  THE YEAR you do that thing you’ve been talking about doing.

We only get 365 days each year.  Each one of those days is filled with choices, and each choice has consequences – both positive and negative.  What choices are you going to make this year to take life in the direction you want it to go?

Happy New Year – here’s to choosing for it to be the happiest, healthiest, most meaningful year yet.