I help leaders optimize team and group functionality in order to improve organizational health and alignment,
Daily interaction between people go one of two ways – functional or dysfunctional. Just like interest compounds in investments, these interactions compound in organizations. How have they compounded for your organization? Through keynotes and workshops, I address trust, conflict, alignment, retention, and engagement through understanding the individual psychology and systems dynamics that impact your teams and workforce. I make dysfunctional teams functional, and functional teams optimal.
I help young adults develop an immediate & sustainable plan for Mental Health, while also learning how to make meaningful decisions for their futures.
The transition from high school to college or the work force can be one of the most terrifying, anxiety-inducing, yet exciting times of our lives. It is that time when we have some of the most unrealized potential in our lives, and so many decisions to make to actualize those potentialities. This series of talks and workshops gives young adults, and those who support them,tools to help understand themselves better and make healthy and meaningful decisions about their future in the world of work and career.
Dr. Dan has been a psychotherapist and organizational health consultant for over 25 years. His perspective comes from years of experience actively listening to people talk about the struggles in their lives, work, relationships, habits, and decisions; and then collaborating with them to craft and implement a plan for optimal healthy change.
Whether working with an individual, a family, or an organizational management team, the principles of good health and positive communication are the same. But it’s in the differences in each situation that Dr. Dan works to help the client discover opportunities for meaningful growth and to achieve alignment – individually and organizationally.
He brings to his speaking his experience, training, and passion for guiding others to growth, with the intention that each audience member walks away with actionable ideas, and a desire to improve their own life, as well as the lives of those they impact.
In the past decade, he has worked with international corporations like 3M and Trelleborg Manufacturing, small businesses, school corporations, multiple colleges and universities, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Contact Dr. Dan to discuss what he can bring to your next conference or workshop.

Leading for Meaning: What is “Meaning at Work”?
Leading and managing are everyday things, strategy and financial planning & reporting are not. Leaders who take responsibility for encouraging team members and employees to discover meaning in their work not only improve employee retention, but can increase overall organizational health. This keynote explores the history and science of “Meaning” and how to effectively bring it into the workplace, while also addressing the idea of “Responsible” action-oriented leadership. Attendees will leave with an understanding of Meaning in several case studies, as well as actionable skills that can be implemented immediately upon returning to their team.
Mental Health in the Workplace
Leaders, managers, and supervisors all have the opportunity, and maybe even the responsibility, to impact the lives of those they work with. One area where they can have a significant impact is on the mental wellbeing of their employees. This discussion addresses the difference between Mental Health and Mental Illness and how it is expressed in the workplace – and what can be done to EFFECTIVELY address it. From there we discuss how the foundational components of the psychology of Meaning fit into MH & MI, and what you can use to impact ‘everything’ with it – especially retention, org. Health, and the overall bottom line.
Mental Health and Meaning for Students
The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be chaotic and difficult. But it doesn’t have to be – in fact, I think it should be a fun and exciting time in life. This speech covers key components of a healthy mental health lifestyle, and how young adults can start to implement them in their lives immediately – here I cover The Basics, The MEPS model, “Healthy” Stress and Tension, Discipline, and Momentum NOT Motivation. From there we move on to the idea of “Meaningful” decisions for individuals future, Respons-able action, Tragic Optimism, and knowing one’s self. This is a customizable speech intended for high school Juniors and Seniors or college freshmen and sophomores.
Mental Health and Meaning for Teachers & Parents
The adults closest to students are most often their parents and then their instructors. We could all use a little bit of mental health and meaning in our own lives, but especially as we help prepare young people for the future. This workshop is offer as a teacher in-service and as a discussion with parents where we cover several of the concepts offered to students, as well as some more advanced ideas like a the Golem & Pygmalion effects and “Let Them Struggle”, as well as focused self-care techniques for adults helping students transition from high school into life after high school. Some groups have also engaged in a one-day intensive MTBI training to focus on team building for different school groups.
I’ve worked with Dan on several projects in three different corporate environments during my time as a Human Resources Director. In each project, Dan has been impeccably prepared to address his audience. His command of the relevant material, as well as his ability to customize this information for the needs of the room, leads to not only a memorable presentation for the audience, but one where they walk away ready to make improvements to their work. I highly recommend Dan for speaking, as well as consulting on leadership and employee engagement among other things.
Mike Brinker
HR Director
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Daniel L. Tyree
Former Superintendent
Plymouth Community Schools Corporation
When I worked as Superintendent of the Plymouth Community School Corporation, I took principals off campus several times a year for professional development. Sometimes I hired a facilitator for the day to help us through our study. Daniel Franz was, by far, the best facilitator that I ever hired.
Daniel did an excellent job facilitating the day. He took charge immediately and it was obvious that he had prepared thoroughly to meet our needs. He had absolutely no problem working with a group of 15 administrators. His speaking skills were very strong and he was able to engage the group for the entire day. He presented himself as a professional in his dress, his use of language, and his ability to put us into difficult situations without letting the discussion get out of hand.
I expected that day to be confidential and feel confident that Daniel did not share any part of the day with anyone. He worked in the community and his wife taught for the corporation but I never heard a single word about that day and I feel very confident that Dan kept everything confidential.
I am now retired, but If I were to ever need a facilitator I would ask Daniel first.
Dan came in and spoke to us and taught us how to function on a daily basis together by showing us how to accept us for who we are and opening our eyes to the possibilities of positive thinking. Dan reviewed daily what we learned and built on that to help our team become a team and work together. Dan consistently reminded us of the value we had in each and every one of us! I had lost all hope before Dan had come to help our team and when he was done with our team we were a great team!
Julie Sweeney, Owner
Essence Spa & Salon