The Statue of Responsibility

May 10, 2020

“Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.” – Viktor Frankl

I’ve read this statement dozens of times – maybe hundreds – through my studies of Frankl and Logotherapy, but I don’t think I ever really ‘got it’ until just this week, when it hit me like lightening in a few different ways.

We are a free nation – we enjoy many freedoms as individuals until recently, and even then, our freedoms were not as restricted as what many other endure in their lifetime.

Sometimes, only when that freedom is impaired, do we take note of it.  Many people have taken note of it during the restrictions of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

We are also free to choose our relationships, and how we act and respond in them.  Often, we don’t recognize that freedom, but feel forced to act or behave in scripted ways in response to other people, either because of our own histories, or the history of the relationship.

What I believe Frankl is suggesting is that RESPONSIBILITY – ‘responsible choice and action’ – is the perfect counter-balance to freedom.  Just because we are free to choose, free to act, does not mean we should choose or act without careful consideration of the consequences.

What is my duty to my community, my family, my partner, my spouse?  What is my duty to the greater good?  What is life asking of me in this moment?

These are all responsible questions to ask yourself before taking action, especially significant or important action.  Especially in situations where the consequences could be far-reaching, or long standing.

For more on the plans to build The Statue of Responsibility, take a look at