The Malaise of Our Time

August 5, 2024

Although my phone says I used it 2 hours less this week, I think I’ve been spending too much time in media – social and otherwise.  Maybe it’s having the Olympics on, or maybe it’s coming back to the “real world” after vacation.  But are you feeling “THAT”?  I’m not sure what it is, but it does feel a bit like that ‘spiritual malaise’ inherent in our times.  So, in light of current events.  All of them.  So many of them.  So much discord and discontent – I offer you this bit of hope from the “Good Doctor”, Viktor Frankl.

Man’s will to meaning can also be frustrated, in which case logotherapy speaks of “existential frustration.” The term “existential” may be used in three ways: to refer to (1) existence itself, i.e., the specifically human mode of being; (2) the meaning of existence; and (3) the striving to find a concrete meaning in personal existence, that is to say, the will to meaning. Existential frustration can also result in neuroses. For this type of neuroses, logotherapy has coined the term “noögenic neuroses” in contrast to neuroses in the traditional sense of the word, i.e., psychogenic neuroses. Noögenic neuroses have their origin not in the psychological but rather in the “noölogical” (from the Greek noös meaning mind) dimension of human existence. This is another logotherapeutic term which denotes anything pertaining to the specifically human dimension.

Noögenic neuroses do not emerge from conflicts between drives and instincts but rather from existential problems. Among such problems, the frustration of the will to meaning plays a large role. It is obvious that in noögenic cases the appropriate and adequate therapy is not psychotherapy in general but rather logotherapy; a therapy, that is, which dares to enter the specifically human dimension.

The malaise of our time.  The most common “un-diagnosis” I see in my clinical office.  And probably one of my favorite topics to climb up on my soapbox and lecture about.

“YOU ARE NOT AS DEPRESSED OR AS ANXIOUS AS YOU THINK YOU ARE.”  But you are likely suffering from a noögenic neurosis.  A dis-ease of the spirit.  An obstacle blocking the discovery to meaning. 

I often say that our society is set up to cause noögenic neurosis and existential angst.  We are constantly distracted by our devices, while being told that no matter what we do we are never good enough – there is always someone that is better than us on social media, and something we need to buy to raise our ever decreasing self-worth.  Meanwhile, we are told we are not responsible for any of it, but that we have been victimized by “trauma”,  or by some ‘other’, and therefore have carte blanche to behave in any manner we want – denying ourselves the opportunity to take action to discover meaning in our lives.  And, if none of that works, there is always a pill, with the authenticity and authority of a physician’s prescription, to flatten our moods and to numb us out from the difficulties and achievements in life.

What our spirit cries out for is a challenge!!  What our soul desires is an opportunity to grow, to evolve, to achieve.  Our noös cries out for responsible action.  Our humanity – our very being – wants us to put down the smartphone, push away the credit card, and go out into nature and walk!  Lift the weights, push the pedals, row the boat, hike the mountain, push your body beyond what you thought you could do.  Then, go write the book, journal, read, study, grow, learn, push your mind.  Then, seek out ways to improve your most important relationships – learn about communication, understand apology and attunement, discuss how to connect better.  And, after you have achieved this, think about how to be a better employee, a cherished leader, a good mentor, a better friend.

These are not things mitigated by a pill!!!  That’s because YOU ARE NOT AS DEPRESSED OR AS ANXIOUS AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!  Your body and brain don’t need to be medicated into submission.  Your home doesn’t need another device to distract you.  Your wardrobe doesn’t require just one more piece of clothing.  Your Human Spirt needs a challenge.

As Dr. Jordan Peterson says, “esteemable people do esteemable things.”

Want to raise that self-esteem?  Want to feel better about life?  GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  Take responsible action.

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