The Pursuit of Happiness

April 29, 2018

“I just want to be happy.”

So many people struggle with this today.  I think we’ve been sold the wrong idea.  We get wrapped up in chasing the next big thing – the next thing we are told we ‘want’ to buy – that when the chase is over and we have what we thought we wanted, we still don’t have happiness.

Then, when we can’t find happiness in chasing new purchases, we’ve been told there is something wrong with us, and we can buy a pill to make it better.  Feeling down? – got a pill for that.  Feeling up? – got a pill for that too.  All that emotional confusion causing you to struggle with intimacy?  Plenty of pills for that too.

“It is a characteristic of the American culture that, again and again, one is commanded and ordered to ‘be happy.’ But happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue. One must have a reason to ‘be happy.'”

The happiest people I know are the ones that find a reason – that something in life they give themselves to in a purposeful way, a meaningful way, that brings about true joy.  It could be work, a creative endeavor, or a relationship – the pursuit of education, art, travel, or volunteerism.

It’s not in the pursuit of happiness we find true happiness.  But it is the pursuit of meaning, purpose, and self-transcendence.

Think about the last time you were truly happy.  Was it because you finally acquired that trinket you had been waiting on from Amazon?  Maybe.

More than likely, it’s because you did something in service of another, or experienced something truly inspiring.

Where will your happiness come from next?


Update on The Meaning Project:

I’ve received A LOT of great feedback on the initial “beta testing” of The Meaning Project – THANK YOU to all those who have taken a look and offered their insight.  I’ve recorded another few hours of audio and hope to have it up on the Project site in the next week or two.  After that, the goal is to add an interactive forum – A “meaningful” social interaction where we can bounce around ideas, and you can get direct feedback from me.  I’ll keep you posted – in the meanwhile, have a look at the work that’s already been completed over at The Meaning Project – the intro price is only good for a little while longer.  -Dan