The Science of Personality Assessment

March 27, 2023
“Personality Assessments are Dumb….”

Former guest of The Meaning Project Podcast, Matthew Lostaglia, issued a public challenge on social media – he threw down the gauntlet straight ’30’s style boxing… He came at me and said something like this, “I don’t believe in ‘personality’, and I think people who do are dumb…”

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OK, it wasn’t quite like that, but the original comment is so buried in social media history, that can’t even find it. Part of the reason is that we recorded this once over a month ago – but you didn’t get to listen to that version (I’ll tell you why in the podcast). But what he did say is that a psychology course he was taking brought up some similarities between “horoscopes” and “personality assessment” for him, and he was wondering what the different was. So, off we went – discussing personality, the science of assessment, and the differences between science and pseudoscience. – Enjoy!

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