The Tragic Triad

May 17, 2020

Pain, Guilt, Death – we can’t escape them.  They are as much a part of human life as breathing.  In Logotherapy, they are considered the “Tragic Triad” – those forms of suffering that are inescapable in our human existence.

Many people have been facing an inordinate amount of this suffering in the past few months.  Many continue to suffer as we face the uncertainty of a “new normal”.

However, in the face of this kind of suffering is the opportunity for Tragic Optimism – an optimism in the face of uncontrollable suffering; an optimism that ignites the “defiant power of the human spirit”, or “an optimism in the face of tragedy and in view of the human potential which at its best always allows for: (1) turning suffering into a human achievement and accomplishment; (2) deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better; and (3) deriving from life’s transitoriness an incentive to take responsible action.”

For as much suffering as we’ve seen, I think we have seen just as much, maybe even more Tragic Optimism.  We’ve seen heroic acts of first responders and health care personnel, we’ve witnessed the quite diligence of essential workers as they go about their work on a daily basis, but one group in particular has caught my attention lately – our students and teachers.  Whether it’s a first grader trying to learn to read through a Zoom call with his teacher, a middle schooler struggling to get through one more algebra assignment, or a high school Senior preparing to go off into life without the typical milestones almost everyone has gone through – prom, graduation, open houses – all those things that mark the transition from high school into the next phase of life.  At such a young age, student are being asked to endure much, and their teachers along with them.

So, as we all struggle to find out if and when we can return to “normal”, and what it might look like, maybe take a moment to share some tragic optimism with a student or teacher.

Take care. – Dan


By the way – did you know I have a podcast being released June 1st?  I will continue to explore the psychology of meaning, work, relationships, mental health & wellness, and a myriad of other topics every week.  Follow me on facebook at