We’ll Be Back in 2018!

December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and heartfelt wishes for a healthy & meaningful 2018!

Hopefully you are enjoying a restful and relaxing holiday season, and a peaceful end to 2017.

We are preparing to pick up where we left off with some new and innovative opportunities.  In early 2018, you can expect to see us resume regular weekly blog posts full of helpful and insightful information.  We will begin offering online educational courses to supplement counseling or as stand-along information in the new year.  And you will notice new coaching presentations and speaking engagements along with a variety of other occasions to learn, grow, and gain a deeper understanding.

Keep checking back to see the changes and improvements, or you can sign up for the weekly newsletter to be the first to find out about any new offerings.  We look forward to being a part of your new year!

Take care,
