When It’s All Too Much

April 22, 2018

What do you do when:

The loved one you thought had given up drinking goes back to the bottle?

The depression you thought you conquered comes back?

You find out your spouse has been having an emotional affair with an old friend?

You learn that lingering pain you’ve had for the past year is actually something far worse?

They tell you your mother “doesn’t have much longer.”

What do you do?

Most of us fall apart.  That would be normal and expected in any one of these scenarios or in many other situations life throws our way.  Sometimes we just feel like we can’t take it any more.  It’s all just too much.

“Life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones.” – Viktor Frankl

There’s a lot we can do after we fall apart to pull ourselves back together again, and possibly turn suffering into something better.

You can reach out to friends or family.  Go for a walk in the woods.  Grab a nice meal – preferably a healthy one.  Schedule an appointment to talk to a spiritual leader or mental health counselor.  Take up a new hobby – maybe learn that musical instrument you’ve been thinking about picking up.  Plan a trip – a long one or a short one.  Look at the photos from your last trip.  Get outside.  Talk to someone about it.

I’m sure there’s more.  But I’m curious – what do YOU do when it all seems to be too much?