“Wives Submit to Your Husbands”: and other unfinished marriage advice

September 30, 2024

One of my favorite Biblical misquotes by men trying to convince me their wives are in the wrong in a couples session…

First of all, I don’t choose right and wrong in couples session.  I’m on the side of the relationship.  Relationship science suggests what works and what doesn’t.  I’m definitely not there to referee arguments – although some couples like to use that time for a public display of disagreement.  Not many, but some.

Many of us men tend to forget the second part – the important part – of that verse:

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for hert
to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word,u
that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.v
That’s pretty heavy guys.  Love your wife to the point of sacrifice.  Not just sacrificing your lunch, or a few bucks.  But your very life.
Now, whether or not you are religious, spiritual, or Biblical, that’s still some good advice.  Advice I try to live by, and fail at, every day.
But this guy – he seems to have figured it out – or at least writes as though he has.  So I wanted to share it with you.  Maybe we can get him on the podcast some day:
From: https://www.morrowmarriage.com/
My Wife SUBMITS To Me.
But I submit to her first.
I lead.
I make plans, fix things around the house, pay bills.
She needs something built. Done.
I pick up after her, the kids and do things she hates.
I work more WAY MORE than my wife BUT I’m involved.
Day to day.
I make sure my wife has money in her purse.
I buy her stuff she wants and loves.
I am around and responsible.
I listen to Kathryn.
I see and hear her because I clarify without defensiveness.
I work to be empathetic; it’s not natural. I am a narcissist.
My wife is allowed to have a bad mood, moment or day.
I don’t ‘fix’ it to keep the peace.
I don’t take her mood personal.
I make clear and decisive decisions.
I am a safe place for her to get her feelings out: sadness, anger, fear, anxiety…
Even if she disagrees with me.
I flip negative to positive energy and draw her in with fun and adventure.
I date my wife:
A few minutes every day AND regular date nights to get her out of Mom-Mode.
I give her rubdowns.
I reflect and apologize when I’m wrong.
Insecurity doesn’t make me ask stupid questions.
I don’t repeat my mistakes.
I am consistent.
When I say I’ll do something, I follow through.
I don’t gaslight her anymore.
I tell her I love her LIKE I MEAN IT.
My actions show it.
I don’t have expectations.
That’s why Kathryn submits to me.
Take notes:
Not a pushover.
She’s highly intelligent and NOT gullible.
She’s gorgeous, hilarious, can and will steal the room.
So she runs across the room, touches my face and tells me she’s proud.
She takes care of me with day to day: laundry, food, and hyper aware of my calendar.
She compliments me: my brain, my body, my jokes, my skills.
She lifts me up to anyone she talks to.
Defends me
We have sex nearly every day.
She desires me.
When you submit to your wife AS HER LEADER…