You cannot chase happiness. But if you seek meaning in your life, in your work, in your relationships, you might just find yourself being happy, and maybe even successful. “Don’t aim at success — the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to...
Thank you. Lately, I’ve been filled with a lot of gratitude. It’s been a rough few months – on top of a rough year – nothing I’m sure you don’t know already. But the fact is, at least how I’m seeing it lately, is that you...
Yes, that’s right, a “Drinking Song” from your friendly neighborhood substance abuse counselor. Actually, as you might expect, it’s a little bit more than that. Hopefully a little deeper, maybe a bit more meaningful. Enjoy. And if you would...
So last week, in talking about Leading for Meaning: What is “Meaning at Work?” I ran through the idea of “self-transcendence pretty quickly. A little too quickly for such an important idea. So I wanted to take a little time today to review the idea...