by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 8, 2020 | Affair Recovery, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Meaning, Mental Health, Spirituality, Substance Abuse
Pain, Guilt, & Death – Frankl’s Tragic Triad – three factors in life we can’t escape, but we can choose how we deal with them. Fr. Richard Rohr, in Adam’s Return, writes, It is the great teacher, although none of us want to admit it. ...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 1, 2020 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth
As you may know, I’ve been digging deeper into Johann Hari’s Lost Connections in the past few weeks. I love his work – but this one is just depressing… At least the beginning of it is. I found myself feeling quite hopeless as I read through...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Oct 25, 2020 | Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Uncategorized, Wellness
“Then and there he understood that he is by no means merely the product of his childhood but the architect of his present destiny.” One of the most common question I field as a psychotherapist is, “How did this event in the past affect who I am...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Oct 18, 2020 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Seeking out and engaging in interesting experiences can be very meaningful. Nature, Music, Art, Speakers – I’ve found all of them meaningful at different times. Last week I had the opportunity to experience some time with one of my favorite authors...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Sep 27, 2020 | Affair Recovery, Depression, Grief, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Uncategorized
In last week’s podcast, I talked about Viktor Frankl’s idea of “Tragic Optimism” – that is, optimism “in spite of” the suffering in the world, the suffering brought on by pain, guilt, and death. We don’t have to look too...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Sep 20, 2020 | Affair Recovery, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health, Parenting, Personal Growth, Podcast, PTSD, Relationships
I fell on this while research a speech I am preparing – I forgot how profound the work of my dear Professor, Dr. Ann V. Graber, can be. You can here Alex Vesely and I swoon over her work a bit in last week’s podcast. Alex is the grandson of Viktor...