by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Aug 14, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Logotherapy, Meaning, Mental Health, Uncategorized
What does it mean “to be worthy of our suffering”? Dr. Viktor Frankl writes in ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’: “Dostoevski said once, “There is only one thing I dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings.” These words frequently...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Aug 7, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, PTSD, Spirituality, Substance Abuse
You may have heard or read about the latest project I’ve been working on – The Meaning Academy. Our goal is to continue to share the ideas and applications of Dr. Frankl, logotherapy, and all the work that has gone into this field in the past 50+ years. So...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 31, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Logotherapy, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth
What is meaningful about taking a vacation? Why is it important that we “vacate” our day-to-day lives on occasion to experience new things? How can we take what we learn on vacation, and incorporate it into everyday life? In this episode, B. and I discuss...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 24, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Logotherapy, Meaning, Mental Health
“Each of us has his own inner concentration camp… We must deal with, with forgiveness and patience-as full human beings, as we are and what we will become.” – Dr. Viktor Frankl You may have heard that I’ve been away for a few weeks. I had...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 17, 2023 | Logotherapy, Meaning, Personal Growth
It’s that time again – time for The Meaning Project to take a little break. But before I go, I wanted to share some of my favorite ideas in logotherapy, how I live them, and what you might be able to do to bring them into your life. Enjoy! TMP-Ep113...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jul 10, 2023 | Anxiety, Depression, Meaning, Personal Growth
Dr. Sarah Musavi befriended both B. and I at different times over the past few years. She is a dynamic helper, working to guide parents in Canada through difficult modern times raises teens and young adults. If you remember, I was on her show back in the fall of...