by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Nov 25, 2024 | Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Logotherapy, Meaning, Mental Health, Podcast, Psychedelic Therapy
For those of you who read this email regularly, you know I was recently attending my Ketamine Practicum for the Integrative Psychiatry Institue’s certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. I shared about my experience in a recent “bonus edition...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Feb 28, 2022 | Anxiety, Depression, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Podcast, PTSD, Wellness
Rabbi B. and I collaborating again! In this episode of the podcast, we discuss one of the most famous anecdotes from the life of Viktor Frankl and how you can apply it to your life. When Dr. Frankl was escorted to the Nazi concentration camps of WWII, he carried one...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Feb 14, 2022 | Anxiety, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Podcast, Relationships
A discussion going beyond the traditional view of “LOVE” this Valentine’s Day to discuss the self-transcendent and unselfish view of love that helps us all to discover Meaning in our lives with Rabbi B. and Dr. D. Happy Valentine’s Day!...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Jan 17, 2022 | Meaning, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Podcast, Relationships
We live in a world that is often trying to sell us happiness. But, as Viktor Frankl writes, we cannot pursue happiness, but it must ensue from meaning based activities. Here is a list of sources of meaning based happiness from a recent group I conducted. The Meaning...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Oct 11, 2021 | Mental Health, Personal Growth, Podcast
Just the heck was a “Weltanschauung” and how do you cure it? It’s really not that bad – it’s German for “World View” – this lecture goes a bit into it, and the early findings in Frankl’s Logotherapy, including a primer on the Three Pillars of...
by Dr. Daniel A. Franz | Sep 20, 2020 | Affair Recovery, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Marriage, Meaning, Mental Health, Parenting, Personal Growth, Podcast, PTSD, Relationships
I fell on this while research a speech I am preparing – I forgot how profound the work of my dear Professor, Dr. Ann V. Graber, can be. You can here Alex Vesely and I swoon over her work a bit in last week’s podcast. Alex is the grandson of Viktor...