Finding Your “Golden Thread”

December 26, 2022

Dr. Holly Woods is a Purpose activator, entrepreneur, scientist, author, speaker, innovation, product and systems consultant and undaunted catalyst to help you become the most alive, emergent and embodied version of yourself and to achieve all that.

Basically, she is wicked smart in a variety of areas.

Over the course of her “dozens of careers” and 30-plus years as a Master Coach and Scientist of Human & Organizational Development, she has uncovered just a few things about how to live into our greatest potential as humans. In addition to her #1 Bestselling Book The Golden Thread, She has a tried-and-true Purpose to Impact Roadmap that almost guarantees people like you can uncover and unleash your purpose and build a career or business around that.

People are inspired by the courageous way she has faced her own life, and the joy she now has in her life and work.

You can listen to TMP-Ep85 – Finding Your “Golden Thread” w/ Dr. Holly Woods

Or have a look at our conversation on The Meaning Project Podcast YouTube Page

To find out more about Dr. Holly or to work with her, check out

Or check out her book The Golden Thread

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