Frankl’s 10 Theses About the Person

March 21, 2022

Recently translated and released on, Dr. Frankl’s “10 Theses About the Person” is considered to be “a fundamental text on Frankl’s conception of the human being”.  You can tell about 2/3 through the podcast, that I am in way over my head on this one… Fortunately, we will have a few people a bit smarter than me on the podcast soon to continue to discuss this writing. I thought it would be helpful to introduce it to you before Alex Vesely and Pam Roy come on the podcast to discuss.

Following the publication of his programmatic first book The Doctor and the Soul Frankl became a much sought-for lecturer and public speaker. At the 1950 Salzburg Summer Seminar he presented a keynote lecture in which he laid down his views on the human person in the concise format of a number of propositions. The text of his talk was later incorporated in some of his books.

With its clarity and compact structure “Ten Theses about the Person” is one of the core texts in Frankl’s work.

The Meaning Project Podcast-Ep50 – Frankl’s 10 Theses About the Person

And if you want to watch me speak into the camera – I tried some new tech here – check out the youtube video: