How’s Your Vision?

October 28, 2018

It’s easy to get up in the minutia of everyday life.  Does this sound like your life?


Wake up, brush teeth, pour some coffee, get the kids off to school, get to work, work (meaningful work hopefully), come home, dinner, tv, bed.  Get up and do it all over again.


Sounds a little monotonous maybe, doesn’t it?


If we don’t stop to consider the “VISION” for our life, we may miss out on opportunities to find meaning, to expand our health, to improve our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness.

What is your vision for your work?  Does your work give you meaning?  Does it allow you to express yourself creatively?  Are you helping people?  Any job can be meaningful, but some require us to work a little harder to bring meaning to the role.  What is your vision for those 8-12 hours you spend at work each day?

What is your vision for your relationship?  Do you support each other in opportunities to grow as individuals and as a couple?  Are you able to recognize and respect each other’s differences while still being supportive?  Where do you see the relationship in 5 years, 10 year, 25 years?  What is your vision for the years you will spend with this other person?

What is your vision for your children?  What do you want for them?  What do they want for themselves?  How do you balance the potential differences?  What are the values you are sharing with your children, both intentionally and accidentally?  What does it mean to have a “vision” for your children – is it something you hold in private, or something you share with them?

Finally, what is your vision for your SELF?  Who are you today?  Who do you want to be tomorrow?  What is the tension of who you are now, and who you want to become?  What are you doing to get there? What do you want out of life?  How are you working to achieve it?

When do you take time to think about your VISION?