Meaning and Wisdom from Viktor & I

April 7, 2019

Last week, I had the distinct honor to spend a day with film maker and Logotherapist, Alex Vesely – the grandson of Viktor Frankl.  He screened his movie, Viktor and I, for us.

It was Amazing.  Inspiring.  Tearful.  Meaningful.  Wise.  Insightful.  More than a psychology documentary, it was an honest depiction of the “defiant power of the human spirit” and the love affair between Frankl and his wife.  And, honestly, it was really cool to watch a movie with the film maker.  Even more cool to watch a movie about Viktor Frankl with his grandson.

But, of course, I may be a bit biased.  But even as a trained Logotherapist, I learned quite a bit.  There was something truly touching about hearing Frankl say the things I’ve read in his accent, with his emphasis – it gave new meaning to ideas I thought I understood.

See for yourself – you can take a look at a few of the trailers below.  If you’re as inspired as I was, you can watch Viktor and I on Amazon Prime, or get a copy at – and, if you take the time to watch, please leave Alex a review, I’m sure he would appreciate it.