Meaningful Giving

November 25, 2018

I hope you have returned to daily life after an enjoyable and restful Thanksgiving!  Today, “Cyber Monday” we enter into what should be a “joyful” holiday season, but one that may sadly leave people feeling stressed and depressed.  In order to avoid the “Holiday Blues”, try some of these helpful ideas:

First, remember that it is somewhat normal for the human body to feel a little down during this time of year – colder, darker, shorter days are a cue for the human body to “hibernate” in some ways – recognize if you are feeling down, and do some healthy things to feel better: get as much sun as you can – even it is false sun (tanning), eat healthy even when it may be difficult, hydrate with plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, exercise 3-5 times each week.

But what about all those gifts to buy?!

Remember, less is more; and experiences are more meaningful than material.

Do something with your loved one, rather than buy something – anything from a short trip to a big vacation, a night on the town, dinner out, a sporting event or a concert.  When you do things together, you are telling that person they are important to you, that you wanted to take the time to spend with them, and you are creating meaningful memories.

Gifts communicate love.  Know how that person best feels loved, and communicate that to them.  The best way I know to do that, is to know their “love language” – find out more at or pick up one of Dr. Chapman’s books on love languages for couples and families.

Speaking of books – personally, I find books to be the gifts that keep on giving, especially if you read them together, or share a favorite book with a loved one.  When you read something together, you create the opportunity for meaningful conversation; when you share a favorite book with a loved one, you create meaningful connection.  You can find some of my favorites to the right, or in the Resources section.

Finally, use this opportunity, these next four weeks, to practice finding the meaning in each moment.  It is too easy to get caught up in the season and forget that it is a time to enjoy traditions, make memories, and celebrate with loved ones.  You have the opportunity to choose at each moment how you are going to do that – you may not have the opportunity to choose where you are, or who you are with, what the weather is like, or other details, but you always have the opportunity to choose your attitude in the moment.

Happy Holidays!