The Meaning of Money

May 23, 2022

Money. Little green, or other-colored, pieces of paper. Numbers and decimals on a screen. Simple, as an object. But money has so much more emotional connotation – it represents work we’ve done, and opportunity ahead of us. It is ripe with the potential for meaning. But it also causes serious conflict – both interpersonally, and in our own selves. Therefore, it can also have a considerable negative impact in our lives – especially when we perceive it as scarce, or when it is, factually, scarce.

In this episode, Rabbi B. and I discuss our perspectives on The Meaning of Money, and provide some helpful ideas on how to manage money, or, more importantly how to manage your attitudes and emotions around money, while accepting the responsibility to make meaningful decisions with it. Enjoy!

To listen to The Meaning Project Podcast, Episode 58 on The Meaning of Money, click on this link: TMP-Ep58 – The Meaning of Money

Or, if you prefer to watch the video of Rabbi B. and I chatting, you can check out the YouTube video here: Dr. D. and Rabbi B. – The Meaning of Money


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