The Medicine Chest of the Human Spirit

September 20, 2020

I fell on this while research a speech I am preparing – I forgot how profound the work of my dear Professor, Dr. Ann V. Graber, can be.  You can here Alex Vesely and I swoon over her work a bit in last week’s podcast.  Alex is the grandson of Viktor Frankl, and an established Logotherapist and film director.

When you are struggling – when you suffer – Logotherapy believes you have all the answers there in yourself, in your spirit, in your noös, as Dr. Frankl called it (more on that in the podcast as well!).  There are times when we can call on these strengths on our own, and other times when we can benefit from a guide.  Here they are for you to consider – are you aware of these strengths in your spirit, in your uniqueness?  Do you need help calling them forth to help move your through some difficulty or struggle?

Our will to meaning with its inherent freedom of choice  – Our goals and purposes in life
Our creativity
Our capacity to love (beyond the physical)
Our consciousness
Our sense of humor
Our commitment to tasks
Our ideas and ideals
Our imagination
Our responsibility and response-ability
Our self-awareness
Our compassion
Our ability to forgive
Our awareness of mortality

These are in that “medicine chest of your spirit” – which one, which ones, do you need right now?  Which ones do you need help in finding?