To Be a Good Human

October 9, 2023

What does it mean to “be a good human”?

I had the opportunity to take a good friend and business owner out to dinner recently. The hope, other than some good chicken wings, was in to pick his brain about his business success for a new project I am working on helping family businesses. The main point of our discussion – he has build a successful family business in under a decade on a very simple principle – just be a good human. Now, that manifested itself in several different ways, but in the end, the message was clear – be good to your people, be good to your family, be good to your customers, and the business, as well as life, will take care of itself.

So I wanted to posit this question to my friend Dr. B. – “what does it mean to be a good human?”

Hopefully, you find some key take-aways to put to work in your life! Enjoy!

TMP-Ep122 – To Be a Good Human

To Be a Good Human on YouTube

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