You Need a “BIGGER WHY”

April 8, 2024

In this conversation, Dr. Dan and Dr. B discuss the question ‘What am I?’ and explore the concept of self-transcendence. They emphasize the importance of going beyond labels and focusing on the deeper aspects of our existence. They also discuss the alignment of mind, body, and spirit, and the role of self-care in finding meaning. The conversation concludes with the idea of finding a ‘North Star’ or a bigger why to guide us in navigating life’s challenges.

TMP-Ep148 – You Need a “Bigger Why” to Fight Anxiety, Depression, and Existential Dread

Dr. Dan’s Youtube Channel

-Going beyond labels and focusing on the deeper aspects of our existence is essential for finding meaning.
-Aligning mind, body, and spirit is important for a sense of wholeness and connection.
-Self-care, including taking care of our physical and mental well-being, is crucial for finding meaning.
-Finding a ‘North Star’ or a bigger why can provide guidance and purpose in navigating life’s challenges.

Sound Bites
“What if I, what if you are more than a flesh suit?”
“He or she who has their why can endure any how.”
“Happiness cannot be pursued. It only ensues.”

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